Claudia and I have our 30-day evaluation via conference call tomorrow-- a check-up for the grant we received. We are excited to report how well things are going. We got off to a rolling start because about a month ago, Claudia taught a workshop at her mill and there was a lot of pulp left over and I was able to crank out a lot of paper with the leftovers. In the process, I learned how to operate the restraint dryer and how to mix formation aid, I refreshed my memory of how to use the press (which uses a 6 ton bottle jack), and I experimented with moulds and deckles. So.. already we have a lot of material made and a lot to report.
After making all that paper, we have yet to clean the studio. We are waiting for the wood stove to be put it before we get back in there. In the meantime, I've been learning simple book forms from Claudia. I'm very good at doing my homework.

This is Jemima. She and another cat and three dogs live at the mill and are great companions.